Percentage of Women That Would Get Married Again if Their Husband Dies

Later the death of her married man, Noellia Mukankuranga grappled with overwhelming distress of never again seeing the man she shared her life with for over 20 years.

Although years accept passed, the hurting is however fresh in her eye. Mukankuranga cannot concur back tears every bit she narrates her heart wrenching feel.

"Death leaves pain no one tin can heal. I lost my husband three years agone in a car blow and since and then, life has never been the same for us.He left me with four children who miss him. I also miss him terribly. He was what I idea was the end of my search for happiness; he was a hard working father and an amazing husband," Mukankuranga narrates.

The thought of moving on and remarrying keeps crossing her mind, merely she believes she tin can never find someone like her deceased husband.


For some women, the grief of losing a husband is so strong that the thought of e'er finding some other partner feels like betrayal.

"I don't think I tin ever fall in love with some other human, the simply thing I'm focused on is giving my children a happy life and basically keeping my husband'southward legacy. Life equally a widow is tough but I am a strong woman and I keep fighting the odds that life throws my way," she says.

When a woman loses a spouse, the healing depends on several factors and the decision to move on likewise entirely depends on several factors like her behavior or culture. After a certain period of time, one may think about the possibility of once again sharing their life with someone else, though some are scared of how society will perceive it.

Is information technology incorrect?

Co-ordinate to Maurice Rukimbira, a union counselor at ST. Etienne Cathedral, a woman should remarry afterward losing her husband. One should do information technology because even the Bible supports the idea, Rukimbira argues.

"There is no formula or specific time of waiting for one to remarry, people have different ways of getting over grief and that depends on the person. A person needs enough time to mourn and at a sure time when that person tin make up one's mind that it'south fourth dimension to movement on, 1 can go ahead," Rukimbira says.

Pastor Andrew Mukinisha of Christian Life Assembly, Nyarutarama echoes a similar view. He says that a woman should motion on after losing her married man equally long as the grief is over.

"I wouldn't recommend that anyone gets remarried before they are completely over it.For some people it could accept quite long to be able to get over those emotional hang-ups, simply as long as the grief is over and one is fix to move on, I don't see any reason in waiting," the pastor explains.

"It's actually fine for a woman who has lost a spouse to remarry. I hateful if a woman is lucky to discover someone who loves her, why not remarry? Usually in that location are some challenges, though, if she has children, and in that case, if the children do not capeesh the new spouse then that can cause a lot of disharmonize in the new family and that's very challenging.Therefore in a situation like that it would exist ameliorate for her to stay single. But if there are no such issues I don't come across a reason non to remarry," Mukinisha adds.


Sheikh Yusuf Mugisha of Masjid Al Quidsi Mosque, Kacyiru, says that it would be good if a adult female who lost her spouse, if possible, did non remarry. But that is if a woman is able to control her bodily desires.

"If a woman tin can manage to forestall herself from temptations, to the extent that not getting married to some other man wouldn't affect her, and then I think she shouldn't remarry. Simply if one cannot withstand the needs of the trunk and the temptations, and so I think its fine for her to remarry, so as to maintain nobility in order," Sheikh Mugisha says.

To Sheikh Mugisha, it's only God who knows all, therefore since God allows information technology, he doesn't run across any reason as to why a woman shouldn't move on as soon equally she feels set.

"In the Holy Book, a adult female who has lost her hubby mourns for 4 months and ten days. That is the period that God decided, and so that even the one who wishes to marry her, does and then after that specific catamenia of fourth dimension. After that, information technology's the woman to decide when she's prepare to brand a determination to either remarry or remain a widow," the sheikh adds.

Pastor Eugene Nshogozabahiziof Anglican Church, Kacyiru, says that if they bring together people in union, information technology means that those people can only be separated by decease. Therefore if a woman loses a married man, she becomes a widow.Though, in the Bible, a woman is only accustomed to be a widow when she is sixty years and above, therefore if a woman is below sixty, she is allowed to remarry because fifty-fifty the Bible allows it.

"To me, for sure, I think information technology's totally fine for a widow to remarry and how presently for her to do so entirely depends on her, her culture and her beliefs. There are some with children and opt to first raise them, simply besides that, there is no limit for the waiting time, even the Bible has no time limit for that," Pastor Nshogozabahizi says.


What practise people think?

Patrick Neza, a boutique owner in Remera, says it should have at least a year later the death of one's spouse before one makes whatsoever major decisions, including re-marrying.

"If the death of your mate was sudden, getting over your grief may exist particularly difficult, and y'all may wait several years before even because the idea of remarriage. Conversely, if your mate had a lingering disease and yous went through a partial procedure of grief before his decease, you may exist comfy remarrying in less than a year, but I don't encounter whatsoever trouble with a widow tying the knot over again," Neza says.

For Jackie Karungi, a graduate of Umutara Polytechnique, it wouldn't be bad for a widow to remarry simply that society tin perceive information technology equally disrespecting oneself.

"Likewise that, a woman could be having children and they may exist uncomfortable with replacing their dad and that can bring about misunderstandings. On the other hand if your children oppose it because of some specific concerns, consider these aspects advisedly," Karungi says.

GodfreyMunyaneza, a banker thinks that the nigh logical step is to discuss the children's reaction with a pastor or advisor and some trusted friends should one make up one's mind to remarry.


Some children might not warm up to the 'new daddy', therefore information technology is advised to make sure they are absolutely comfortable with the changes fabricated afterwards losing a father. (Net photos)

"Once you're comfy with the determination you take made, I recall ane is gratis to follow their heart and do whatever makes them happy," he says.

Vivian Atukunda, a resident of Kimironko is against the idea of a widow remarrying. However, should ane practice and then, they should have a prenuptial agreement signed for the 2d marriage, specially if at that place are children involved and one of the partners has financial holdings. "In the effect of a divorce or decease of one of them, there will exist a clear understanding of legal rights," Atukunda says.

"A married woman is spring to her husband equally long as he lives. Just if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes.Only, in my opinion, she is happier if she remains as she is," Jonan Mugiraneza says.


I say:

Vestine Mahoro


Vestine Mahoro

Yep I support it. Even if she has just left the starting time husband she can marry again! With the issue of children, they have to plan how to manage those children, merely if not, the children could be ignored and not taken intendance of well with the new husband. She should do what makes her happy and non mind about what people will say considering I think if she cares about what people say, she won't accept any progress in life.

Robert Tumwebaze


Robert Tumwebaze

A widow should become remarried as long as the man loves her because she could have been widowed at a immature historic period. If you stop yourself from finding happiness considering of society and then I don't know how you volition survive. You know, when a person is well, society cares less, and if one is in a bad situation, however nobody cares about it, implying that you should do what is important and relevant to yous. One tin can't depend on society to decide their destiny.

Jackie Murerwa


Jackie Murerwa

I support a woman remarrying again simply it also depends on her historic period. If she is above 45 she should remain a widow just if a woman is beneath that, she should remarry because it will even help her deal with temptations. Only they should first discuss issues like children if one or both of them has any.

Rogers Ndemezo


Rogers Ndemezo

Well, my have on this topic is viewed right from the Biblical perspective which makes it clear that when a man and woman get married, God unites them equally one flesh (Genesis 2:24; Matthew nineteen:5-six). The merely thing that can break the marriage bond, in God's eyes, is death. If a person's spouse dies, the widow / widower is admittedly free to remarry. The apostle Paul allowed widows to remarry in 1 Corinthians 7:8-9 and encouraged younger widows to remarry in 1 Timothy 5:14. Remarriage after the death of a spouse is absolutely allowed by God.

Therefore, based on all Biblical instructions on the subject, remarriage after the death of a spouse is permitted by God.



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